In summer, here are some tips to get rid of itchy scalp:

During the summer, an itchy scalp is a common sign of dandruff since your scalp is exposed to external factors. Sweating and heat exposure can aggravate itchy scalps. Therefore, you feel the summer is the cause, but they work together.

Approximately 5% of the world’s population suffers from scalp eczema, which is characterized by itching, painful lesions, large visible dandruff, and hair loss.

Increasing air and water pollution is causing these issues, as well as the harmful chemicals in hair products. You can consult a dermatologist or try these home remedies to treat and avoid these issues.

Itching can be caused by your shampoo and hair dye

Beauty products contain substances that are very irritating to the scalp. For instance, para-phenylenediamine (PPD) is harmful, and the government prohibits cosmetic manufacturers from using it in cosmetics and hair dyes. In 9 out of 10 dark dyes, it is present to fix the colour. The problem is, that it can cause serious allergies and eczema attacks (sometimes spectacular).

The presence of certain ingredients, especially in shampoos or lotions, should also alert you: sodium lauryl, ammonium sulfate, lauryl sulfate, and benzyl benzoate…

Itchy Scalp Home Remedies – Prevent & Treat

The easiest way is to use natural and gentle products.

Use a baking soda and vinegar shampoo to balance your hair’s pH naturally. It’s easy to make at home and very economical:

Add a tablespoon of baking soda to a glass of hot water and apply to the scalp.

Rinse with water.

Apply a mixture composed, in a glass, of 1/4 apple vinegar and 3/4 water.

Leave on for 1 min 30 secs and rinse with lukewarm water.

Homemade Masks for Itchy Scalp

Are you experiencing hair fall?

You don’t have to worry about it if the damage is caused by the season or by using strong chemical products. You can use these masks for about 30 minutes after wetting your head as a home remedy for hair loss and itching. Put a towel around your head so that the treatment gets the most benefit. After washing and rinsing, you’re ready to go!

1. Tea Tree Essential Oil

A very effective tea tree essential oil relieves scalp eczema thanks to its antifungal properties.

You can use it in several ways:

Wash your hair with 100 ml of shampoo diluted with 25 drops of tea tree essential oil.

With four tablespoons of coconut oil and five drops of essential oil, make a mask.

2. Olive Oil

Olive oil, like tea tree essential oil, can be used as a mask (2 tablespoons maximum applied with a comb) or incorporated into a shampoo.

3. Aloe Vera Gel

It is best for oily hair. You can make a mask using six drops of tea tree essential oil and two tablespoons of aloe vera. Apply it with a brush, rub it with your fingers, massage for a few minutes, then leave to act for up to an hour.

4. Coconut Oil

Three tablespoons of coconut oil are enough to hydrate the scalp well and soothe eczema flare-ups.

Take Care of Your Diet

Scalp eczema can be confused with atopic dermatitis, a pathology that is very sensitive to food.

It can therefore be very beneficial to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Besides, it will be positive for your overall health!

The following foods should be limited: deli meats and red meats, refined flours (use rye or oat flour instead of wheat flour), milk and its derivatives (butter, cream…), white sugar…

The tricks to (almost) Avoid

Several studies have found that sea bathing calms redness and itching. However, it is not recommended. Those who suffer from atopic dermatitis know that salt (even sea salt) irritates the lesions. The water in the sea is also often polluted, so precautions must be taken when swimming to avoid aggravating flare-ups.

Key Takeaways

Use seawater bulbs sold in pharmacies or organic stores to rinse your hair. Then let them dry, and then rinse them with lukewarm water.

In addition to these natural remedies, you can also wear a choker as a headband or a cotton and silver thread cap at night and during the day to soothe itching. Silver fibre is naturally antibacterial, and cotton has a silky feel.