Water is an essential source of survival, and access to clean water is vital for maintaining good health. In contrast, many households and industries rely on water tanks to store water for their daily needs. They don’t really care whether their water tank is clean or not. 

As clean water is essential to human life, a clean water tank is also paramount to human health. Why? After oxygen, water is the second most important substance for the survival of human life; using clean water is essential for human health, and it is only possible through water tank cleaning.

There are different types of water tanks vary between three types: overhead water tanks, ground-level water tanks, and underground water tanks. These tanks are made up of different materials and are classified into different categories as all the materials are prone to the further development and growth of enzymes and bacteria. Whether your tank is made of RCC, bricks, plastic, or steel, water tank maintenance is essential to minimize the risks of the potential disease carried through dirty water. 

Contaminated water is hazardous, and if your water comes mainly from water storage tanks, then water tank cleaning is essential to minimize the health risks.

Health Risks Associated with Dirty Water Tanks

Water consumption from dirty water tanks can pose several health risks. Due to harmful microorganisms and algae that can contaminate the water. Here are the five potential health risks that can cause problems in your health if you don’t use a clean water tank.

Gastrointestinal illnesses:

Water tank maintenance is vital because dirty water tanks can harbour bacteria and viruses that can cause gastrointestinal illnesses such as diarrhoea, vomiting, and stomach cramps.

Skin Infection:

You can also get skin infections such as rashes, eczema, and other irritations if you don’t do water tank cleaning frequently.

Respiratory Problems:

The inhalation of contaminated water droplets from a dirty tank can also lead to respiratory problems such as asthma and bronchitis.

Kidney damage:

Certain toxins are present in water tanks. These toxins, such as heavy metals and chemicals, can accumulate in water tanks. If you don’t do water tank cleaning frequently, it can cause damage to the kidneys over time.

Increased Risk of Cancer:

Exposure to carcinogenic substances such as arsenic and lead in contaminated water from a dirty tank can increase the risk of cancer over time.

Importance of Water Tank Cleaning

Water tank cleaning can significantly affect the quality and efficiency of the water supply in several ways. Firstly, a clean water tank doesn’t lead to sediment, dirt, and debris buildup. Water tank maintenance avoids the clog of the water supply system and enhances the flow of water.

Secondly, water tank cleaning can also improve water quality by preventing harmful microorganisms, bacteria, and other contaminants, as they can build up on the walls of the water tank and spread throughout the water tank. Water tank maintenance also prevents unpleasant smell and improve the taste of water. 

Water tank cleaning maintains good hygiene in tanks and can ensure that the water supply remains clean, safe, and efficient. A clean water tank can also help extend the tank’s lifespan and prevent costly repairs or replacements. Frequent water tank cleaning is essential to maintain the water supply’s quality and efficiency and protect the health and well-being of those who depend on it.

Cost-effective solutions for water tank cleaning

Water tank cleaning can save you money in the long run by preventing costly repairs and replacements. Here are some cost-effective ways of water tank cleaning.

Prevent corrosion: Sediment and other contaminants can accumulate in the tank over time, causing corrosion and damage to the tank walls. Regular cleaning can prevent this buildup and extend the tank’s lifespan, reducing the need for repairs or replacements.

Reduces energy costs: A dirty water tank can reduce the water supply system’s efficiency, leading to higher energy costs. Regular cleaning can improve the flow of water and reduce energy costs.

Avoid fines and penalties:  Some municipalities and regulatory agencies have stringent water quality and tank maintenance regulations. Noncompliance with these regulations may result in fines and penalties. These costs can be avoided by cleaning and maintaining water tanks regularly.

Prevents health-related expenses: Consuming dirty water can lead to various health problems, resulting in expensive medical bills. Frequent water tank cleaning and maintenance can help prevent these health-related expenses.

By proactively managing the water tank, we can ensure a safe and reliable water supply while saving money.

How to clean a water tank?

Water tank cleaning is essential to ensure that the water stored inside is safe. Here are the steps for cleaning a water tank.1:

1: Turn off the Water Supply:

Before you start water tank cleaning, turn off the water supply to the tank to prevent contamination during the cleaning process.

2: Drain the water from the water tank:

Next, drain out all the water from the water tank. You can do this by opening all the taps or using a pump to remove the water.

3: Scrub the tank:

Use a stiff-bristled brush to scrub the walls and bottom of the tank. Remove any debris or sediment that may have accumulated over time. You can also use a high-pressure washer to clean the tank.

4: Rinse the tank:

After scrubbing the tank, rinse the tank with clean water.

5: Disinfect the tank:

Once the tank is clean, it’s essential to disinfect the water tank to kill bacteria or viruses that may be present. You can use a disinfectant solution, such as chlorine bleach or hydrogen peroxide. Just make sure to follow the instruction and use the appropriate procedure.

6: Rinse and fill the tank:

After applying disinfectant, let it rest for 30 minutes, then rinse the tank thoroughly with clean water. After rinsing, fill the tank with clean water and turn on the water supply. 


Frequent water tank cleaning and maintenance can help extend the lifespan of water tanks, ultimately saving your money in the long run. Water tank cleaning also prevents the potential risks associated with consuming dirty water. When cleaning a water tank, using the proper cleaning materials and tools is critical to ensure the tank is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. When handling cleaning materials and tools, wear appropriate protective equipment, such as gloves and goggles. Always make sure that your water tank is clean and safe to use.